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Independence Day 2024: Celebrating the Foundations of Democracy

Bureau of Engraving and Printing engraved vignette of John Trumbull’s painting Declaration of Independence (c. 1818). Engraving by Frederick Girsch. Scanned from an original impression, part of a Treasury Department presentation album of portraits and vignettes (c. 1902), possibly presented to Lyman Gage. (Epson 10000XL scanner @2400dpi). For Independence Day 2024 Blog Post

As we gather to celebrate Independence Day 2024, it’s a fitting time to reflect on the extraordinary principles that form the bedrock of our democracy. The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States are not merely historical documents; they are the living framework of a great experiment in governance, where the rule of law prevails, and no one is above it.

The Declaration of Independence: A Bold Statement of Freedom

On July 4, 1776, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence, a bold assertion of the American colonies’ intent to break free from British rule. Drafted primarily by Thomas Jefferson, the Declaration articulated the colonies’ grievances against King George III and proclaimed the inherent rights of individuals. The famous preamble, which states that “all men are created equal” and endowed with “unalienable Rights” including “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness,” has resonated through the ages as a powerful declaration of human rights.

The Declaration of Independence was revolutionary in asserting that government derives its power from the consent of the governed, a stark departure from the prevailing notion of the divine right of kings. This foundational idea laid the groundwork for the development of democratic governance, emphasizing that legitimacy stems from the people’s will.

The Constitution: A Framework for Democracy

Preamble_detail_from_Library_of_Congress_Dunlap_&_Claypoole_original_printing_of_the_United_States_Constitution,_1787 For Independence Day 2024 Blog PostWhile the Declaration of Independence set forth the ideals of liberty and equality, the Constitution of the United States, adopted in 1787, provided the structural framework to realize those ideals. The Constitution established a federal system of government characterized by a separation of powers among the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, with a system of checks and balances to prevent any one branch from gaining too much power.

The Preamble to the Constitution outlines its purposes: “to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.” These goals reflect the Founders’ vision of a government that serves its people and protects their rights.

One of the most significant aspects of the Constitution is the Bill of Rights, the first ten amendments that guarantee fundamental liberties such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press; the right to peaceful assembly; and protections against unreasonable searches and seizures. These amendments enshrine the principle that certain rights are inviolable, even by the government.

The Rule of Law: No One Above the Law

A cornerstone of American democracy is the rule of law, which asserts that laws apply equally to all individuals, regardless of their position or status. This principle was a radical departure from the systems of governance that dominated the world in the 18th century, where monarchs and nobility often operated above the law.

The Constitution’s establishment of an independent judiciary is crucial to upholding the rule of law. The judicial branch has the authority to interpret the Constitution and to ensure that laws and executive actions comply with constitutional principles. Landmark Supreme Court cases, such as Marbury v. Madison, which established judicial review, have reinforced the judiciary’s role in maintaining the balance of power and protecting individual rights.

A Living Experiment

American democracy is often called a “great experiment,” a testament to its evolving nature. Over the centuries, the Constitution has been amended to address changing societal needs and to expand the rights and protections it offers. The abolition of slavery through the 13th Amendment, the extension of voting rights to women with the 19th Amendment, and the civil rights advancements of the 1960s all demonstrate the Constitution’s adaptability and enduring relevance.

Independence Day 2024

As we celebrate Independence Day 2024, we honor the visionary documents that laid the foundation for our democracy: the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. These documents embody the revolutionary idea that government should be by the people and for the people, underpinned by the rule of law and the protection of individual rights. They remind us that democracy is not static but a living experiment that requires our active participation and vigilance to uphold its principles. This Independence Day, let us recommit to the ideals of liberty, equality, and justice for all, ensuring that the great experiment of American democracy continues to thrive.

For more information on the Declaration of Independence, visit For information on the Constitution, visit

We share these sentiments with you:  Happy Independence Day 2024!  May the Great Experiment in government of, for, and by the people continue unabated!

Please feel free to share this post yourself, with an attribution link back to the original here:  Images courtesy of Wikimedia.ORG


Keith Klein
Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners
Founder & CEO, OnYourMark, LLC
Proprietor, Main Street Oil
Chief Blogger,

Please contact us with questions.  Best to callemail or visit our site for the best response.  We do invite you to engage with us on social media (just not for immediate needs). As always, if you like, you will find us on the following social media sites, among many others:


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Embracing the Spirit of Renewal: Easter Celebration Amidst Joy and Hope

Embracing the Spirit of Renewal: Easter Celebration Amidst Joy and Hope

Embracing the Spirit of Renewal: Easter Celebration Amidst Joy and HopeAs we gather with loved ones for Easter celebrations, it’s a time for reflection, renewal, and rejoicing. Easter, celebrated by Christians around the world, commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ, symbolizing hope, rebirth, and the triumph of light over darkness.

In the midst of colorful Easter eggs, joyful gatherings, and delectable feasts, let us delve deeper into the essence of this revered occasion.

Reflection and Renewal

Our Easter celebration invites us to reflect on the profound message of resurrection and renewal. It’s a time to contemplate our journey of growth, transformation, and spiritual awakening. Just as nature undergoes a process of rejuvenation during spring, Easter reminds us of the possibility of renewal in our lives.

Amidst the challenges and trials we all face, Easter offers a beacon of hope, reminding us that every setback is an opportunity for a comeback. It encourages us to embrace change, let go of past burdens, and step into the promise of a brighter future.

Family and Community

Easter is also a time for cherished traditions and joyful gatherings with family and friends. Whether it’s attending church services together, sharing meals, or participating in egg hunts, these moments create lasting memories and strengthen the bonds of love and unity.

In today’s fast-paced world, Easter serves as a strong, but gentle reminder to prioritize relationships and cherish the time spent with those we hold dear. It’s an opportunity to reconnect with loved ones, extend kindness to others, and foster a sense of belonging within our communities.

Symbolism and Significance of Easter Celebrations

The symbols of Easter celebrations hold deep significance, each carrying its own message of faith, hope, and renewal. From the Easter lily, symbolizing purity and new beginnings, to the Easter egg, representing life and fertility, these symbols serve as reminders of the spiritual truths embedded within this sacred season.

Moreover, the Easter bunny, with its association with fertility and abundance, adds an element of joy and whimsy to the celebrations, especially for children. Through these symbols, Easter transcends religious boundaries, fostering a sense of shared humanity and interconnectedness.

Spreading Joy and Compassion

As we celebrate Easter, let us not forget those who may be experiencing hardship or loneliness. Easter presents an opportunity to extend kindness, generosity, and compassion to those in need. Whether through acts of service, charitable giving, or simply offering a listening ear, we can embody the spirit of Easter by spreading love and joy to others.

Conclusion: Embracing the Spirit of Easter Celebrations

In conclusion, Easter is a time of profound significance and celebration. It invites us to reflect on the timeless message of renewal, rejoice in the company of loved ones, and spread joy and compassion to all. As we embark on this Easter journey, may we embrace the spirit of renewal, hope, and love, and may it illuminate our path toward a brighter tomorrow.

Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed and joyous Easter celebration!



Please contact us with questions.  Best to callemail or visit our site for the best response.  We do invite you to engage with us on social media (just not for immediate needs). As always, if you like, you will find us on the following social media sites, among many others:


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Happy New Year! Setting SMART Goals Amid Great Expectations for New Year Resolutions

Image of an ACHIEVEMENT "word cloud" for Setting SMART Goals Amid Great Expectations for New Year Resolutions
SMART Goals, Great Expectations, & New Year Resolutions for a Happy New Year 2024!

Goals and expectations, while closely related, have distinct meanings and applications, especially in personal, professional, and organizational contexts. Please get out a pad to write your thoughts as you review the following as soon as you have any inkling that any of this makes sense for you.

SMART Goals:

  1. Definition: Goals are specific objectives that an individual, group, or organization strives to achieve. They serve as targets for one’s actions and decisions. Goals are typically well-defined, measurable, and have a set timeframe for achievement.
  2. Characteristics of SMART Goals:
    • Specificity: Goals are often specific, outlining exactly what needs to be accomplished.
    • Measurability: They can be measured, allowing individuals or organizations to track progress.
    • Achievability: They should be realistically attainable, though they may also be challenging.
    • Relevance: Goals are usually aligned with broader values, missions, or purposes.
    • Time-Bound: Goals usually have a deadline or a specific timeframe for completion.
  3. Purpose: Goals provide direction and motivation, helping individuals or organizations focus their efforts and resources effectively. They also facilitate progress tracking and success measurement.

Photo for Setting SMART Goals Amid Great Expectations for New Year ResolutionsGreat Expectations:

  1. Definition: Expectations are beliefs or forecasts about what will happen in the future, often based on past experiences, current information, or societal norms. Unlike goals, expectations are not always set deliberately and can be either realistic or unrealistic.
  2. Characteristics:
    • Belief-Based: Expectations are often based on beliefs or assumptions about how things should be or how others should behave.
    • Flexibility: They can be more fluid and changeable, adapting to new information or circumstances.
    • Implicit or Explicit: Expectations can be clearly stated or implied, and sometimes they are not consciously recognized.
    • Not Always Measurable: Unlike goals, expectations might not be quantifiable or specific.
    • Influence Behavior: Expectations can significantly influence people’s behavior and attitudes, both positively and negatively.
  3. Purpose: Expectations help individuals form a mental model of what to anticipate in a given situation, guiding behavior and decision-making. They can also set standards for performance and interactions.

Comparing and Contrasting SMART Goals and Great Expectations:

  • Similarity in Guidance: Both serve as guides. Goals direct actions towards a specific aim, while expectations shape beliefs about likely outcomes.
  • Difference in Formation: Goals are typically set through a deliberate planning process, while expectations can form spontaneously based on past experiences or societal norms.
  • Flexibility: Expectations are often more flexible and subjective, whereas goals are usually more concrete and objective.
  • Measurability: Goals are typically measurable and have specific criteria for success, unlike expectations, which may be more abstract.
  • Impact on Behavior: Both can significantly influence behavior, but in different ways. Goals motivate action towards achievement, while expectations can subtly shape behavior and attitudes, often without conscious awareness.
  • Adjustability: Goals can be adjusted or changed based on circumstances, performance, or changing priorities. Expectations might also change but are often less consciously altered.
  • Relation to Reality: Goals are aspirational and represent what we desire to achieve, whereas expectations are anticipatory, representing what we believe will happen.

Understanding the nuances between goals and expectations is crucial in both personal development and organizational management. Setting clear goals while managing realistic expectations can lead to more effective planning, higher motivation, and better overall outcomes.  Setting great expectations and setting SMART goals for the new year, though related, involve different approaches and mindsets. Here’s a breakdown of each concept and how they differ:

Photo for Setting SMART Goals Amid Great Expectations for New Year ResolutionsSetting Great Expectations for the New Year

  1. Nature: Expectations are beliefs or forecasts about what might happen. They are often less about specific achievements and more about general outlooks or standards.
  2. Flexibility: Expectations can be more flexible and subjective. They are often influenced by past experiences, societal norms, and personal beliefs.
  3. Impact: Setting high expectations can create a positive mindset and an optimistic outlook for the year. It can increase motivation and drive.
  4. Risk: There is a risk of disappointment if expectations are set too high and are not met. This can lead to disillusionment or decreased morale.
  5. Examples: Expecting to improve overall health, expecting to find more balance in life, expecting to be more open to new opportunities.

Setting SMART Goals for the New Year

  1. Make your Goals SMART Goals.
  2. Nature: Goals are specific, measurable targets set to achieve desired outcomes. They are concrete and action-oriented.
  3. Clarity and Specificity: Goals are typically clear and specific, making it easier to develop strategies and action plans to achieve them.
  4. Measurability: Goals can be tracked and measured, allowing for a clear sense of progress and achievement.
  5. Motivation: Setting goals can provide a clear direction and a strong sense of purpose, driving focused action.
  6. Examples: Losing 20 pounds, reading 12 new books, achieving a specific sales target in your business, learning a new skill.

Comparing and Contrasting

  • Outlook vs. Action: Expectations are more about the outlook or mindset for the year, whereas goals are about specific actions and achievements.
  • Subjectivity vs. Objectivity: Expectations can be subjective and based on personal beliefs. In contrast, goals are objective, with clear criteria for success.
  • Flexibility vs. Rigidity: Expectations can change and evolve more easily than goals, which are typically more fixed and structured.
  • Motivational Impact: Both can be motivating, but in different ways. Expectations can create a positive overall mindset, while goals provide clear targets to work towards.
  • Risk of Disappointment: Unrealistic expectations can lead to disappointment, whereas unmet goals can be adjusted or reevaluated based on performance and circumstances.

Best Practices for New Year Resolutions Based on SMART Goals & Great Expectations

To maximize effectiveness, it’s beneficial to set both realistic expectations and achievable goals for the new year:

  • Align Expectations and Goals: Ensure that your expectations and goals complement each other. Goals should be set in a way that reinforces your positive expectations.
  • Manage Expectations: Be optimistic but realistic. High expectations are good, but they should be tempered with a realistic understanding of what can be achieved.
  • SMART Goals: Set Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals to increase the chances of success.
  • Flexibility: Be prepared to adjust both expectations and goals as the year progresses and circumstances change.

In conclusion, setting expectations and goals for the new year are both important. Expectations set the tone and mindset, while goals provide a roadmap for what you want to achieve. Balancing both leads to a more productive and fulfilling year.  Setting “great expectations” for the new year involves creating a positive and ambitious outlook for what you wish to achieve or experience. Unlike specific goal setting, crafting great expectations is more about shaping your mindset and attitude toward the upcoming year. Here’s a guide on how to effectively set these expectations:

  1. Reflect on the Past Year:
    • Assess and Learn: Reflect on the past year’s experiences, challenges, and achievements. Consider what went well and what could have been better.
    • Gather Insights: Identify key lessons learned that can inform your expectations for the new year.
  2. Define Your Vision:
    • Broad Outlook: Think about the overall direction you want your life, career, or personal development to take in the new year.
    • Inspiration and Aspirations: Consider what inspires you and what you aspire to be or achieve. This vision will guide your expectations.
  3. Cultivate a Positive Mindset:
    • Optimism: Foster an optimistic outlook. Believe in the potential for positive change and growth.
    • Resilience: Build resilience to face challenges, understanding that setbacks are part of the journey.
  4. Set Ambitious, Yet Realistic Expectations:
    • Balance: Aim high but remain grounded in reality. Avoid setting expectations so high that they become a source of stress or disappointment.
    • Flexibility: Be open to adapting your expectations as circumstances change throughout the year.
  5. Focus on Personal Growth and Development:
    • Self-Improvement: Set expectations that promote your personal and professional growth.
    • Learning: Embrace new learning opportunities and experiences.
  6. Prioritize Health and Well-being:
    • Physical and Mental Health: Expect to take better care of your physical health and mental well-being.
    • Balance: Aim for a balanced lifestyle that includes work, leisure, and rest.
  7. Embrace New Opportunities:
    • Openness: Be open to new possibilities and opportunities that may arise.
    • Adventurous Spirit: Encourage yourself to step out of your comfort zone.
  8. Enhance Relationships and Community Engagement:
    • Relationships: Expect to invest time and energy in building and strengthening relationships.
    • Community: Look for ways to contribute positively to your community or social circles.
  9. Document Your Expectations:
    • Write It Down: Documenting your expectations can help clarify and solidify them.
    • Visualization: Create a vision board or use visualization techniques to keep your expectations vivid in your mind.
  10. Review and Adjust Periodically:
    • Regular Check-ins: Periodically review your expectations to see if they align with your evolving circumstances and priorities.
    • Adaptation: Be willing to adjust your expectations as needed.

Remember, setting great expectations is not just about what you aim to achieve; it’s also about cultivating a mindset that is optimistic, resilient, and open to growth and new experiences. It’s about setting the tone for a year that is fulfilling, enriching, and aligned with your overall vision for your life.  We hope you keep these thoughts in mind, whether on the ‘back-burner’ or actively in the forefront of your thoughts and actions to create SMART Goals, Great Expectations, and solid, fulfilling New Year Resolutions.

Happy New Year!

Please contact us with questions.  Best to callemail or visit our site for the best response.  We do invite you to engage with us on social media (just not for immediate needs). As always, if you like, you will find us on the following social media sites, among many others:

LinkedIn thanks the author of our sister sites for composing this post and sharing it with us, so we could share it with you!

Composed by Keith Klein, Author of WebForging, Founder & CEO of OnYourMark, Chief Blogger at, and Proprietor of – along with a big AI assist.  Feel free to use this post yourself, with this last paragraph, including live links, as attribution.  Your viewers are entitled to the same re-posting with live attribution as well.  CopyLeft.   Happy New Year!

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Happy Thanksgiving 2023, and let’s emphasize the spirit of giving!

Image of a wrapped gift with a thank you card to illustrate a blog on the "Spirit of Giving"

Happy Thanksgiving - Spirit of givingHappy Thanksgiving 2023, and let’s emphasize the spirit of giving!

As we celebrate this special day of gratitude, we can emphasize the spirit of giving – reflecting on how we can continue to make a positive impact in our families, among our friends, and in our larger communities.

Here are some ideas for acts of kindness and giving for thirty days, spread out through next year, to help establish the spirit of giving – a giving mindset and a great giving exploration:

  1. November 23, Thanksgiving Day 2023 Many families really do take time to express what they’re thankful for, including the opportunity to bring those dearest to us, nearest to us, once more.
  2. November 24, Friendsgiving Day 2023  Ditto #1 above.
  3. November 25  Small Business Saturday 2023 Patronize your favorite small shop(s).
  4. November 27  Cyber Monday 2023 If you’re not in a position to patronize your favorite small shops – or even if you are – go the extra mile and give them a great review on Google or a community bulletin board.  Tell others why they’re a favorite of yours.
  5. November 30, 2023 Give yourself “Calls to Action.”  Subscribe to newsletters or podcasts having to do with volunteer service work and causes with which you identify to be aware of what is happening in your areas of interest on a long-term basis.
  6. December 1, 2023 – Support a Local Food Bank Consider donating non-perishable food items to your nearest food bank. Many people struggle with food insecurity, especially during the holiday season.
  7. December 15, 2023 – Provide Warm Clothing Gather gently-used coats, scarves, and gloves, and donate them to a homeless shelter. Winter can be harsh, and your donations can make a big difference.
  8. December 25, 2023 – Christmas Giving Continue the tradition of giving by volunteering at a Christmas charity event or donating to a favorite charitable organization.

    Extend the Spirit of Giving through the New Year

  9. January 7, 2024 – Volunteer at a Senior Center or Assisted Living Facility.  Spend some time with elderly residents at a local senior center. Your companionship can brighten their day and reduce feelings of loneliness…both ways!
  10. January 21, 2024 – Clean Up a Local Park Organize a community clean-up day at a nearby park. A cleaner environment benefits everyone and fosters community pride.
  11. February 14, 2024 – Send Cards to Hospitalized Children Create and send Valentine’s Day cards to children in the hospital. Your warm wishes can bring smiles to their faces during a challenging time.
  12. March 3, 2024 – Plant a Tree Join a tree-planting event in your area. Trees improve air quality, provide shade, and contribute to a healthier planet.
  13. March 17, 2024 – Help a Neighbor Offer assistance to an elderly or disabled neighbor, whether it’s shoveling snow, grocery shopping, or simply being a good listener.
  14. April 22, 2024 – Earth Day Cleanup Participate in an Earth Day cleanup event to remove litter from local streets and parks. A cleaner environment benefits everyone’s quality of life.
  15. May 5, 2024 – Donate Blood Visit a local blood donation center and give the gift of life. Blood donations are crucial for saving lives in emergencies and medical procedures.
  16. May 20, 2024 – Support a Local Animal Shelter Donate pet supplies, volunteer your time, or consider adopting a furry friend from a local animal shelter.
  17. June 10, 2024 – Mentor a Student Offer your expertise to mentor a student in your field. Guidance and support can significantly impact their educational and career journey.
  18. June 24, 2024 – Community Garden Join or start a community garden project, providing fresh produce to those in need and fostering a sense of unity.
  19. July 7, 2024 – Send Care Packages to Troops Assemble care packages with essential items and snacks to send to deployed military personnel. Your support boosts morale.
  20. July 21, 2024 – Organize a Charity Run/Walk Host a charity run or walk to raise funds for a cause you’re passionate about. It promotes fitness and community engagement.
  21. August 15, 2024 – Donate Books Contribute books to a local library or school. Reading opens doors to knowledge and opportunities for young minds.
  22. August 29, 2024 – Help a Homeless Shelter Provide hygiene kits or toiletries to a homeless shelter. These small items can make a big difference for those in need.
  23. September 11, 2024 – Remember 9/11 Pay tribute to the heroes and victims of 9/11 by supporting a charity related to first responders or veterans.
  24. September 25, 2024 – Support A Group or Organization You Care About  If you’ve had a loved one affected by disease or disabilty, take time to donate of volunteer on your loved one’s behalf.  Perhaps support a group that hasn’t directly affected you or a loved one, simply to reach out and learn while helping.
  25. October 10, 2024 – Assist a Domestic Violence Shelter Offer your time or resources to a domestic violence shelter, helping survivors rebuild their lives.
  26. October 24, 2024 – Organize a Community Cleanup Rally or simply join others in your community to clean up a neglected area, making it safer and more inviting for everyone.
  27. November 8, 2024 – Help a Children’s Hospital Donate toys, art supplies, or funds to a children’s hospital. Bringing joy to young patients is a heartwarming endeavor.
  28. November 22, 2024 – Thanksgiving Again! Celebrate Thanksgiving by volunteering at a local soup kitchen or providing meals to families in need.
  29. December 10, 2024 – Sponsor a Family for the Holidays Support a less fortunate family during the holiday season by providing gifts, groceries, or other necessities.
  30. December 25, 2024 – Christmas Giving Continue the tradition of giving by volunteering at a Christmas charity event or donating to a favorite charitable organization.
  31. December 31, 2024  Thanks for Giving!  Now look ahead and plan to do more in the year 2025!  Look at all you’ve done, and ask yourself what you enjoyed doing the most.  Plan on more of it.  Ask yourself what you’d like to learn about, and see if there’s a way to learn while serving.  Do you notice how nicely this will tie in with New Year’s Resolutions a little over a year from now?

Happy Thanksgiving - Spirit of givingThese acts of kindness in a true spirit of giving can have a lasting and meaningful impact on your family, friends, and community, aligning you with your spirit of giving not only during Thanksgiving but throughout the entire year. Remember, the benefits extend beyond those you help; they also enrich your own life and contribute to a stronger, more caring society.

We welcome you to share your ideas in the “Spirit of Giving” in the comments below.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Please contact us with questions.  Best to callemail or visit our site for the best response.  We do invite you to engage with us on social media (just not for immediate needs). As always, if you like, you will find us on the following social media sites, among many others:


Thanks to our friends & vendors at for sharing this post with us, so we could share it with you!  WisX, in turn, thanks Paul Haut of and Mark Mullarky of who – each in their own spirit of giving – gave us the ideas for these holiday blog posts!

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Technology plus Vintage Art for a Merry Christmas 2022


Using Technology to Add Old-Fashioned Ambience – Merry Christmas 2022

Enhance the senses and sensations for a Merry Christmas, 2022 style.  Little can beat the aromas of a Christmas dinner cooking, or the tastes of Christmas cookies – including your favorites – shared during a holiday celebration with loved ones. Kids playing add to the visual and auditory delights.  The tactile senses earn high marks with a quotient of human warmth given long overdue hugs and handshakes.   Now we have a “tech” addition to the tastes and smells, the sights, sounds and touch of the holidays – YouTube.

If you’re one of the millions who “cut the cord” on cable and got a Roku or similar device, perhaps you’ll consider adding a playlist for holiday ambiance.  We have simple instructions to do so here.

First, add the YouTube channel to your Roku (or similar device).   Next, load up and go to the YouTube channel and Login using your Gmail account (*free* at – you can also do this on your phone, possibly making it something of a TV remote in the process).

If you have a large computer monitor, or your computer is hooked up to your TV, you may be able to simply play whatever you’d like from your computer.

At YouTube, do a search for “Christmas Art” or “Vintage Christmas Scenes.”  For large monitors, computer or TV, you’ll want to select HD or 4K, etc., to get great looking pictures on your screen.  Choose one without sound (above) if you wish to play Christmas music separately.  Of course, you can do the same for videos with music by turning the sound down.  Some (below) are made to transition songs in time with the art.  The snow falling during each slide in the series is a great touch.


We hope this helps you enjoy a very Merry Christmas, 2022 style.

Keith Klein
Keith Klein & the team at OnYourMark, LLC
Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners

Thanks to our friends & clients, Paul Haut of and Mark Mullarky of who gave us the ideas for these holiday blog posts!

We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions.  Please contact us with questions.  Best to callemail or visit our site for the best response.  We do invite you to engage with us on social media (just not for immediate needs). As always, if you like, you will find us on the following social media sites, among many others:


NOTE:  Videos courtesy of their creators via YouTube (who cite open source artwork & music) and featured image courtesy of the submitter at Wikimedia.Org

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Thanksgiving Day Traditions

Thanksgiving Day Traditions

Happy Thanksgiving Day Traditions

Thanksgiving Day traditions vary widely, I’m sure.  In preparation for this holiday post, I looked up a lot of them.  While they included many great traditions, some of which we practice in our home, a couple of my favorites were missing.

First, the common traditions that we practice here are no doubt among the most common across the country. Macy’s Parade starts the day, very much as a background to the cooking and last-minute calls about who’s to bring what and when they’ll be here. It’s the ‘official’ start of Christmas movies and Christmas music playing virtually non-stop through the end of the year.  Pies and bread baking in the oven, along with a 14 to 20 pound bird and plenty of savory and sweet side dishes fill the house with mouth-watering aromas.  Gift exchanges are setup and our kids enjoy getting the names of their siblings in the secret Santa drawings.

Perhaps my favorite pastime – missing from the traditions I read about – is listening to the women in the kitchen.  Since the passing of my brother-in-law, Tom, many years ago – the family matriarchy presides over the kitchen absolutely.  Tom was perhaps the best conversationalist I’d ever known, and a great listener. Now it’s purely the women running the kitchen, from my wife and daughters to my wife’s sisters, (and formerly my mother-in-law before she passed) and they dominate the conversations about things that matter. The men are relegated to a mixing drinks, a steady stream of appetizers they can have now (vs. save that for the meal!), and to taking out the trash.  Conversations among the women range from the foods being prepared to dates for family camping in the coming year, to the progress of our adult children and our grandchildren in their pursuits and more. I enjoy the life they bring to the holiday, as well as the love and food they prepare for the table.  Of course, by this time, the guys are watching A Christmas Story or Miracle on 34th Street for the 211th time, and, of course, a football game.

The house is decorated for Thanksgiving, and the Christmas decorating begins in earnest on Thanksgiving weekend, if it hasn’t begun already.  Much like Christmas Eve, I enjoy the time after all the visitors have gone.  The time devoted to enjoying a glass of wine or a cocktail with my wife who evaluates what went well (or not), sharing some news that perhaps I hadn’t heard, and beginning plans for next year. That’s among the finest of traditions.

More Thanksgiving Day Traditions

Here are a few places to think explore more Thanksgiving Day Traditions to consider for your own family, along with a few comments.

I got a practical start to the research at a blog for International Boarding Schools, of all places.  The post, “Top 10 Thanksgiving traditions in the US” suggested this post was on the right track.

Oprah offers a nifty slide-show of 34 Unique Thanksgiving Traditions Your Family and Friends Will Adore   You may get a pop-up or two to start with, but I found the slide show easy to glide through, with nifty matching graphics and a few sentences bringing the ideas in each slide to life.

Country living shares the 30 Best Thanksgiving Traditions to Try With Your Family This Year on a single long page of “fun and unusual activities will keep the crew entertained.”

I could (maybe next Thanksgiving) do a post about Friendsgiving – a tradition I witnessed my own adult kids getting into perhaps a decade ago – and mentioned several times in the research, including the links above.  We enjoy having friends over on Thanksgiving, as well as family. I think the whole idea of Friendsgiving is a great one.  My wife has a great banner on her website, CindyCooks.comTreat Friends Like Family, and Family Like Friends.   The flip side of this research was learning that some traditions flat out don’t match up with what we learned about the origins of Thanksgiving, between the Pilgrims and Native Americans, in grade school. While many traditions are no doubt shared, if you Google “native american thanksgiving traditions” you may find links to “a day of mourning.”

When all is said and done, Thanksgiving to me is simply a day to celebrate our blessings and to give thanks…a shared day of celebration and thanks if you’re lucky.  Be lucky.  Happy Thanksgiving!

With all best wishes for you and yours to enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving!


Keith Klein
Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners
Founder & CEO, OnYourMark, LLC

We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions.  Please contact us with questions.  Best to callemail or visit our site for the best response.  We do invite you to engage with us on social media (just not for immediate needs).  As always, if you like, you will find us on the following social media sites, among many others:



Thanks to our friends at OnYourMark, LLC, for preparing this post so we could share the message, and our wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving, with you.

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Memorial Day 2022; Remember the Fallen

Memorial Day 2022 Image Graves at Arlington on Memorial Day

In observance of Memorial Day 2022, we share the following from Wikipedia.

Memorial Day (originally known as Decoration Day[1]) is a federal holiday in the United States for mourning the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the United States armed forces.[2] It is observed on the last Monday of May. It was formerly observed on May 30 from 1868 to 1970.[3]

Many people visit cemeteries and memorials on Memorial Day to honor and mourn those who died while serving in the U.S. military. Many volunteers place an American flag on graves of military personnel in national cemeteries. Memorial Day is also considered the unofficial beginning of summer in the United States.[4]

Many cities and people have claimed to have first celebrated the event. In 1868, General John A. Logan of the Grand Army of the Republic called for a “Decoration Day”, which was widely celebrated. By 1890, every Northern state had adopted it as a holiday. The World Wars turned it into a generalized day of remembrance instead of just for the Civil War. In 1971, Congress standardized the holiday as “Memorial Day” and changed its observance to the last Monday in May.

Two other days celebrate those who have served or are serving in the U.S. military: Armed Forces Day (which is earlier in May), an unofficial U.S. holiday for honoring those currently serving in the armed forces, and Veterans Day (on November 11), which honors those who have served in the United States Armed Forces.[5]


Thank you to Wikipedia.  The copy and images above first appeared at

This Memorial Day 2022, we hope you’ll take a moment to remember those who have given “the last full measure of devotion.”



Keith Klein
Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners
Founder & CEO, OnYourMark, LLC

We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions.  Please contact us with questions.  Best to callemail or visit our site for the best response.  We do invite you to engage with us on social media (just not for immediate needs).  As always, if you like, you will find us on the following social media sites, among many others:

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Happy New Year 2022 Goals

Happy New Year 2022 Image to illustrate blog

Our goal, first and foremost, is to wish all of our visitors a Happy New Year 2022!

Just as importantly, we share proven techniques to make your resolutions for a Happy New Year 2022 reality for you.  We share three steps to achieving your goals: SMART Goals, Zig Ziglar, and Becoming Your Best when you Do What Matters Most.


The November 1981 issue of Management Review contained a paper by George T. Doran called There’s a S.M.A.R.T. way to write management’s goals and objectives.[1][4] It discussed the importance of objectives and the difficulty of setting them.

Ideally speaking, each corporate, department, and section objective should be:

  • Specific – target a specific area for improvement.
  • Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress.
  • Assignable – specify who will do it.
  • Realistic – state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources.
  • Time-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved.

Notice that these criteria don’t say that all objectives must be quantified on all levels of management. In certain situations, it is not realistic to attempt quantification, particularly in staff middle-management positions. Practicing managers and corporations can lose the benefit of a more abstract objective in order to gain quantification. It is the combination of the objective and its action plan that is really important. Therefore serious management should focus on these twins and not just the objective.

— George T. Doran, There’s a S.M.A.R.T. way to write management’s goals and objectives[1][4]
Zig Ziglar, a favorite of mine for decades, offers insight and motivation.  I found his voice grating at first (after purchasing audio of him on cassette tapes back in the 70s or 80s).  That bit of irritation quickly subsided when I relaxed and enjoyed the sincerity and wisdom and folksy rhythm of his words.
Zig Ziglar has 7 Steps to goal setting, outlined here (a 2-3 minute read).
Google (search terms: smart goals zig ziglar) listed them succinctly:
Zig Ziglar, an American motivational speaker, pulled together a list of seven steps associated with goal setting (or goal achievement). They are: Identification, Benefits, Obstacles, Skills, People, Plan and Timelines.
Jul 27, 2021

Do What Matters Most

That subheading is also a favorite book of 2021, Do What Matters Most.  
I’m big on goal setting, list making, and reading.  Do What Matters Most pleasantly combined all of them.  Google (search term: do what matters most) gave this description:
Do What Matters Most is a practical book on how to identify what matters most in your life then focusing on making it happen and increasing your productivity. The big 3 high performance habits of leading with a vision, setting your roles and goals, and pre-week planning are the basis for this book.
This book presents you with an approach summed up in the title: Do What Matters Most is a great at reminding you that, in addition to professional achievement, what really matters most is usually family and other loved ones.  Helping clients is great, helping family members and friends is just as important. Recognizing and planning for both the personal and professional matters.  This book, discussed at, can help you balance the personal and professional missions of your life.

Happy New Year 2022!

Our sincere best wishes to you and yours ~ may health, happiness and prosperity be yours in the New Year!


Keith Klein
Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners
Founder & CEO, OnYourMark, LLC

We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions.  Please contact us with questions.  Best to callemail or visit our site for the best response.  We do invite you to engage with us on social media (just not for immediate needs).  As always, if you like, you will find us on the following social media sites, among many others:

Happy New Year 2022 image from 
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Happy Thanksgiving Thought Experiment

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving posts are usually about counting our blessings and giving thanks.  Steven Johnson compels us to consider this thought experiment:  If your daily newspaper were published once-in-a-century, and it came out today, what would the banner headline read?

This is, indeed, something to be truly grateful for: Human life expectancy at birth doubled, worldwide, over the last hundred years.

Here’s a video Steven Johnson referred to in his TED Talk; under two minutes:

I plan to listen to the Audible Book.  I recommend Audible Books.

Happy Thanksgiving post image of Extra Life book cover

Extra Life
A Short History of Living Longer

By: Steven Johnson
Narrated by: Steven Johnson
Length: 8 hrs and 26 mins
Unabridged Audiobook
Release date: 05-11-21
Language: English
Publisher: Penguin Audio
4.7 out of 5 stars(91 ratings)



Happy Thanksgiving Poems

I’ll likely do a more traditional Happy Thanksgiving Holiday Greeting for some client sites, and I’ll share a couple of thoughts along that line here.

Here’s a great poem, among many at (that’s for kids of all ages!).

Happy Thanksgiving Poem Image

I was pleased to find this little gem among many via

You’ll find more fun Thanksgiving Day poems for kids at

With all best wishes for you and yours to enjoy a Happy Thanksgiving!


Keith Klein
Organizer, Wisconsin Business Owners
Founder & CEO, OnYourMark, LLC

We welcome your comments, questions and suggestions.  Please contact us with questions.  Best to callemail or visit our site for the best response.  We do invite you to engage with us on social media (just not for immediate needs).

As always, if you like, you will find us on the following social media sites, among many others:

This post first appeared in the personal site of Keith Klein at  Thanks for sharing, so we may share it with our viewers.